Tina Grant has been a trustee for BSCT for several years. A qualified
teacher, she has spent many years teaching at primary schools in and
around the town of Beverley. She is currently employed at Driffield
Junior School. In her role as RE Subject Leader at Keldmarsh Primary
School, she was instrumental in setting up a regular Prayer Space,
organising annual Living Faith Library events, as well as influencing
collective worship and strengthening links with the local and wider
faith communities.
Tina is also Vice Chair of the East Riding Standing Advisory Council for
Religious Education (SACRE) and was selected as a Professional Leader of
Religious Education in December 2016 as part of the Learn, Teach, Lead
RE (North) initiative. In this role, she was able to support colleagues
from across the region in promoting high quality teaching and learning
in Religious Education. She continues to do this through her role on
Tina’s passion is to see children and young people encounter God’s love
for themselves and to grow a personal faith. She is pleased to be able
to play a part in supporting the work of BSCT in the schools and
colleges in Beverley and the surrounding villages.