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Name: Karen Eyre


Job Title: Primary School Worker


Karen has been working for BSCT since January 2019. Prior to this Karen has worked alongside Cathy for several years on various projects including school work through BSCT.  The work has been a positive experience and when the opportunity arose to become part of BSCT formally it was something that Karen did not want to pass up on as it meant that she was able to continue to work with children in an engaging way and build upon relationships already formed. 

Karen now works in the Primary Schools alongside Cathy and a team of dedicated volunteers.


Each week together they run lunchtime activity clubs with a bible story, game, song, and craft for around 300 children plus Prayer spaces, where children enthusiastically explore Christianity in a safe and welcoming environment. 

Karen’s dream is to continue to work together to develop children’s understanding of their journey with Christ through positive, fun and likable activities and to encourage them to explore further by engaging with their local Church community.









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